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Submissions by Brian Alexakis


Found 37  Matching Records

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30422 Delphi Source Code Simplify MultiThreading with System.Threading for Mobile, Deskto
Simplify MultiThreading with System.Threading for Mobile and Desktop Apps

Level: Intermediate

Olaf Monien - Delphi Experts
10/15/2015 10:41:27 AM 334 107K
30420 Delphi Source Code Using Sensors in Windows 10 with Delphi
Using Sensors in Windows 10 with Delphi
The new Windows tablets and 2 in 1 devices have a lot of sensors built in. In this session you will learn how to unlock these sensors and detect information about the physical world from your Delphi apps running under Windows 10.

Level: Intermediate

Bruno Sonnino
10/14/2015 1:38:27 PM 204 27.1MB
30419 Delphi Source Code Simplify Parallel Programming with Patterns - Primož Gabrijelcic
Simplify Parallel Programming with Patterns
Discover how parallel programming can become simple and safe by using pre-programmed patterns.

Level: Intermediate

Primož Gabrijelcic
10/14/2015 1:30:42 PM 241 220.6K
30418 Delphi Source Code DataSnap Deep Dive: Building N-Tier Applications
DataSnap Deep Dive: Building N-Tier Applications
You've probably heard about Datasnap development and how easy it is to build n-tier applications, right? But did you explore it in deep? So, that's what we'll do in this presentation: showing the way to go with Authentication, Authorization, Encryption, Compacting, Callback, Cache, Pagination and what's new on RAD Studio 10 Seattle!
10/13/2015 2:55:16 PM 306 192.6MB
30417 Delphi Source Code Build a Push-Enabled Mobile App with Parse - CodeRage X
From Code Rage X
Build a Push-Enabled Mobile App with Parse
Parse and the Backend as a Service components make it easy to create a push-enabled mobile app. This session shows you how.
10/13/2015 8:42:17 AM 150 16.9K
30388 RAD Studio Binaries Konopka Signature VCL Controls Demo
9/22/2015 10:25:44 AM 438 2.8MB
30369 RAD Studio Components Konopka Signature VCL Controls Trial 10 Seattle
9/14/2015 2:54:45 PM 94 147.3MB
30358 RAD Studio Complete Projects AppAnalytics Demo Code - MFC Visual Studio C++
Embarcadero® AppAnalytics is the first analytics service for C++ and MFC applications. Understand your end users, wherever they are, to deliver better apps and experiences.
9/3/2015 7:23:43 AM 44 68.9K
30356 RAD Studio APIs Embarcadero 10 Seattle HD Desktop Wallpaper
Embarcadero 10 Seattle HD Desktop Wallpaper
8/31/2015 11:35:04 AM 204 2.6MB
30297 RAD Studio Complete Projects Developer Skill Sprint - Proximity Awareness with Bacons
6/23/2015 1:20:30 PM 44 220K
30232 RAD Studio Binaries Mida Converter Basic for RAD Studio XE8
Mida Converter Basic for RAD Studio XE8

Available to registered users of RAD Studio XE8, Delphi XE8 and C++Builder XE8 (except Starter edition) and Embarcadero All-Access XE
5/20/2015 10:27:33 AM - 5.9MB
30229 Delphi Best Techniques FMX Delphi AppAnalytics - Skill Sprint Demo 05192015
5/19/2015 5:41:50 AM 65 65.2K
30220 RAD Studio APIs Source Code - RAD in Action: Mobilizing your Business with Enter
Source code for RAD In Action: Mobilizing your business with Cary Jenson.
5/5/2015 7:28:26 AM 142 164.3K
30192 RAD Studio Documentation Preview - Mobilizing Your Business with EMS
This white paper is designed to provide you, the software professional, with the information you need to get started with EMS today.
4/21/2015 3:02:12 PM 102 178.7K
30141 RAD Studio Complete Projects FireDAC Skill Sprint - Cascading Options System
FireDAC Cascading Options System
Bogdan Polak - BSC Polska
Thursday, February 19, 2015
2/25/2015 10:37:30 AM 66 1.2MB
30135 RAD Studio Patterns MVMM - MenialTasks - OP - XE7
Promote Healthy Apps by Separating App Logic from the UI using Common Patterns
Ported project files from for XE7
2/16/2015 2:44:52 PM 152 9.4MB
30128 RAD Studio APIs True Type Font - Font Awesome - Loading and Spinning Icons
2/6/2015 2:46:16 PM 114 134.6K
30120 RAD Studio Source Code Home Screen Nav Font Icons - OP
This blog post outlines the steps needed to build a multi-device Android and iOS application that uses a true type font, like Font Awesome, for the purpose of iconography. Using a font for icons has advantages over using rastered image files in that they are light weight and vector based so they scale up nicely to high resolutions.

These instructions work for both C++ and Object Pascal projects for the iOS and Android platforms
1/27/2015 1:55:11 PM 565 146.6K
30113 RAD Studio Source Code MISFIT Shine Test App - Oauth2 - CPP
Uses REST Components and TWebBrowser to user authenticate against OAuth2.0, then consumes MISFIT REST API to pull down user info.
1/9/2015 1:48:22 PM 257 96.1K
30105 RAD Studio Source Code Phillips Hue Lux Control App - Appmethod CPP
12/26/2014 1:00:46 PM 0 0 bytes
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